Marilyn Gorman


Marilyn has worked with organizations around the world to build internal capabilities and systems for accelerating growth. A catalyst for change, she helps leaders and teams identify what’s blocking progress, then guides them through transformation designed to achieve results. Making the transition from thinking about probabilities to possibilities is always at the forefront of her work. At Lean Startup Co. she has advised leaders at Shell, within the UK and US Departments of Defense, IKEA, Parker Life, Tetrapak, Zappos, Vertex, and Waters Corporation.

Marilyn’s past positions include Global Leader for Executive Development at GE, and Chief Learning Officer for the largest financial services organization in Australia. She holds an M.Ed from Sydney University, an MBA from Macquarie University, and a graduate diploma in Executive and Professional Coaching. A resident of upstate New York, Marilyn is a dual citizen of the US and Australia.