Services Built on Experience, Evidence and a History of Success.

Work directly with Eric Ries’ Lean Startup team to supercharge your Lean Startup implementation

Lean Startup Co. Services


Workshops and courses that align with your team’s familiarity with the Lean Startup methodology and the gaps you need to fill.

  • Tailored hands on workshops for your teams
  • Online courses that build foundational knowlegde of core principles
  • Build fluency with the key tools such as assumption mapping and experiment design
  • Establish a common understanding and alignment on the Lean Startup methodology

Pilot Program

A 10-week program to apply, test, and learn on real-world projects, setting the foundation for scaling Lean Startup effectively.

  • Experience tangible project outcomes.
  • Build your team’s Lean Startup skills for future work.
  • Make rapid, evidence-based product development decisions.
  • Rescue a stalled deployment.

Full Implementation

Scale Lean Startup across your organization, moving beyond initial pilots.

  • Build a robust innovation pipeline of products customers love
  • Establish a consistent framework aligned to your organizational realities
  • Accelerate innovation and growth
  • Make innovation a competitive advantage

We’ve guided hundreds of companies through successful implementations.

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