Unlocking Innovation Success, One Quick Win at a Time
with Ben Hafele, Jonathan Bertfield and Marissa Hohman

Ben Hafele
Managing Director, Lean Startup Co.
Jonathan Bertfield
Senior Director, Lean Startup Co.
Marissa Hohman
Senior Associate, Lean Startup Co.
Many corporate leaders recognize that they need to introduce new ways of working and reach out to us for guidance on how to take their first steps in deploying Lean Startup inside their organization. Our answer is consistent: Find ways to establish some quick wins and build from there.
Even though we are strong proponents of The Lean Startup approach, we discourage leaders from pursuing an enterprise-wide deployment as their first step. Many of the organizations we meet are littered with the fallout from attempting to roll out new processes and cultures without first establishing a solid foundation. When implementing Lean Startup, that foundation comes from quickly testing out how its principles and practices fit into the existing organizational culture and product portfolios they will be impacting.
In this webinar, Ben Hafele, Jonathan Bertfield and Marissa Hohman will share best practices and short case studies from their work helping dozens of large corporate organizations quickly get to their first wins and establish traction to chart a course for further wins down the line.
What we’ll discuss: